Tutorials > Build an NFT Marketplace
NFT Marketplace Part 2
Last Updated: 11th October 2023
This time, buy and sell an NFT feature is added !
Keep your code from the previous lesson or get the solution here
If you clone/fork a repo, rebuild locally
npm i cd ./app yarn install cd ..
Smart contract
Add the following code sections on your nft.jsligo
smart contract
Add offer type
export type offer = { owner : address, price : nat };
Add offers
field to storage, it should look like this below :
export type storage = { administrators: set<address>, offers: map<nat, offer>, //user sells an offer ledger: FA2Impl.NFT.ledger, metadata: FA2Impl.TZIP16.metadata, token_metadata: FA2Impl.TZIP12.tokenMetadata, operators: FA2Impl.NFT.operators };
- an
is an NFT (owned by someone) with a price storage
has a new field to storeoffers
: amap
of offers
Update the initial storage on file nft.storageList.jsligo
to initialize offers
field. Here is what it should look like :
#import "nft.jsligo" "Contract" const default_storage : Contract.storage = { administrators: Set.literal( list(["tz1VSUr8wwNhLAzempoch5d6hLRiTh8Cjcjb" as address]) ) as set<address>, offers: Map.empty as map<nat, Contract.offer>, ledger: Big_map.empty as Contract.FA2Impl.NFT.ledger, metadata: Big_map.literal( list( [ ["", bytes `tezos-storage:data`], [ "data", bytes `{ "name":"FA2 NFT Marketplace", "description":"Example of FA2 implementation", "version":"0.0.1", "license":{"name":"MIT"}, "authors":["Marigold<contact@marigold.dev>"], "homepage":"https://marigold.dev", "source":{ "tools":["Ligo"], "location":"https://github.com/ligolang/contract-catalogue/tree/main/lib/fa2"}, "interfaces":["TZIP-012"], "errors": [], "views": [] }` ] ] ) ) as Contract.FA2Impl.TZIP16.metadata, token_metadata: Big_map.empty as Contract.FA2Impl.TZIP12.tokenMetadata, operators: Big_map.empty as Contract.FA2Impl.NFT.operators, };
Finally, compile the contract
TAQ_LIGO_IMAGE=ligolang/ligo:1.0.0 taq compile nft.jsligo
Sell at an offer price
Define the sell
function as below:
@entry const sell = ([token_id, price]: [nat, nat], s: storage): ret => { //check balance of seller const sellerBalance = FA2Impl.NFT.get_balance( [Tezos.get_source(), token_id], { ledger: s.ledger, metadata: s.metadata, operators: s.operators, token_metadata: s.token_metadata, } ); if (sellerBalance != (1 as nat)) return failwith("2"); //need to allow the contract itself to be an operator on behalf of the seller const newOperators = FA2Impl.Sidecar.add_operator( s.operators, Tezos.get_source(), Tezos.get_self_address(), token_id ); //DECISION CHOICE: if offer already exists, we just override it return [ list([]) as list<operation>, { ...s, offers: Map.add( token_id, { owner: Tezos.get_source(), price: price }, s.offers ), operators: newOperators } ] };
- User must have enough tokens (wine bottles) to place an offer
- the seller will set the NFT marketplace smart contract as an operator. When the buyer sends his money to buy the NFT, the smart contract will change the NFT ownership (it is not interactive with the seller, the martketplace will do it on behalf of the seller based on the offer data)
is updated withoffer
Buy a bottle on the marketplace
Now that there are offers available on the marketplace, let's buy bottles!
Edit the smart contract to add the buy
@entry const buy = ([token_id, seller]: [nat, address], s: storage): ret => { //search for the offer return match(Map.find_opt(token_id, s.offers)) { when (None()): failwith("3") when (Some(offer)): do { //check if amount have been paid enough if (Tezos.get_amount() < offer.price * (1 as mutez)) return failwith( "5" ); // prepare transfer of XTZ to seller const op = Tezos.transaction( unit, offer.price * (1 as mutez), Tezos.get_contract_with_error(seller, "6") ); //transfer tokens from seller to buyer const ledger = FA2Impl.Sidecar.transfer_token_from_user_to_user( s.ledger, token_id, seller, Tezos.get_source() ); //remove offer return [ list([op]) as list<operation>, { ...s, offers: Map.update(token_id, None(), s.offers), ledger: ledger } ] } } };
- search for the offer based on the
or return an error if it does not exist - check that the amount sent by the buyer is greater than the offer price. If it is ok, transfer the offer price to the seller and transfer the NFT to the buyer
- remove the offer as it has been executed
Compile and deploy
Smart contract implementation of this second training is finished, let's deploy to ghostnet.
TAQ_LIGO_IMAGE=ligolang/ligo:1.0.0 taq compile nft.jsligo taq deploy nft.tz -e "testing"
┌──────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┬───────┬──────────────────┬────────────────────────────────┐ │ Contract │ Address │ Alias │ Balance In Mutez │ Destination │ ├──────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼───────┼──────────────────┼────────────────────────────────┤ │ nft.tz │ KT1KyV1Hprert33AAz5B94CLkqAHdKZU56dq │ nft │ 0 │ https://ghostnet.ecadinfra.com │ └──────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┴───────┴──────────────────┴────────────────────────────────┘
Smart contract (backend) is implmented and deployed!
NFT Marketplace front
Generate Typescript classes and go to the frontend to run the server
taq generate types ./app/src cd ./app yarn install yarn dev
Sale page
Edit Sale Page on ./src/OffersPage.tsx
Add this code inside the file :
import { InfoOutlined } from "@mui/icons-material"; import SellIcon from "@mui/icons-material/Sell"; import * as api from "@tzkt/sdk-api"; import { Box, Button, Card, CardActions, CardContent, CardHeader, CardMedia, ImageList, InputAdornment, Pagination, TextField, Tooltip, Typography, useMediaQuery, } from "@mui/material"; import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper"; import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"; import { useFormik } from "formik"; import { useSnackbar } from "notistack"; import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import * as yup from "yup"; import { UserContext, UserContextType } from "./App"; import ConnectButton from "./ConnectWallet"; import { TransactionInvalidBeaconError } from "./TransactionInvalidBeaconError"; import { address, nat } from "./type-aliases"; const itemPerPage: number = 6; const validationSchema = yup.object({ price: yup .number() .required("Price is required") .positive("ERROR: The number must be greater than 0!"), }); type Offer = { owner: address; price: nat; }; export default function OffersPage() { api.defaults.baseUrl = "https://api.ghostnet.tzkt.io"; const [selectedTokenId, setSelectedTokenId] = React.useState<number>(0); const [currentPageIndex, setCurrentPageIndex] = useState<number>(1); let [offersTokenIDMap, setOffersTokenIDMap] = React.useState< Map<string, Offer> >(new Map()); let [ownerTokenIds, setOwnerTokenIds] = React.useState<Set<string>>( new Set() ); const { nftContrat, nftContratTokenMetadataMap, userAddress, storage, refreshUserContextOnPageReload, Tezos, setUserAddress, setUserBalance, wallet, } = React.useContext(UserContext) as UserContextType; const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar(); const formik = useFormik({ initialValues: { price: 0, }, validationSchema: validationSchema, onSubmit: (values) => { console.log("onSubmit: (values)", values, selectedTokenId); sell(selectedTokenId, values.price); }, }); const initPage = async () => { if (storage) { console.log("context is not empty, init page now"); ownerTokenIds = new Set(); offersTokenIDMap = new Map(); const token_metadataBigMapId = ( storage.token_metadata as unknown as { id: BigNumber } ).id.toNumber(); const token_ids = await api.bigMapsGetKeys(token_metadataBigMapId, { micheline: "Json", active: true, }); await Promise.all( token_ids.map(async (token_idKey) => { const token_idNat = new BigNumber(token_idKey.key) as nat; let owner = await storage.ledger.get(token_idNat); if (owner === userAddress) { ownerTokenIds.add(token_idKey.key); const ownerOffers = await storage.offers.get(token_idNat); if (ownerOffers) offersTokenIDMap.set(token_idKey.key, ownerOffers); console.log( "found for " + owner + " on token_id " + token_idKey.key + " with balance " + 1 ); } else { console.log("skip to next token id"); } }) ); setOwnerTokenIds(new Set(ownerTokenIds)); //force refresh setOffersTokenIDMap(new Map(offersTokenIDMap)); //force refresh } else { console.log("context is empty, wait for parent and retry ..."); } }; useEffect(() => { (async () => { console.log("after a storage changed"); await initPage(); })(); }, [storage]); useEffect(() => { (async () => { console.log("on Page init"); await initPage(); })(); }, []); const sell = async (token_id: number, price: number) => { try { const op = await nftContrat?.methods .sell( BigNumber(token_id) as nat, BigNumber(price * 1000000) as nat //to mutez ) .send(); await op?.confirmation(2); enqueueSnackbar( "Wine collection (token_id=" + token_id + ") offer for " + 1 + " units at price of " + price + " XTZ", { variant: "success" } ); refreshUserContextOnPageReload(); //force all app to refresh the context } catch (error) { console.table(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`); let tibe: TransactionInvalidBeaconError = new TransactionInvalidBeaconError(error); enqueueSnackbar(tibe.data_message, { variant: "error", autoHideDuration: 10000, }); } }; const isDesktop = useMediaQuery("(min-width:1100px)"); const isTablet = useMediaQuery("(min-width:600px)"); return ( <Paper> <Typography style={{ paddingBottom: "10px" }} variant="h5"> Sell my bottles </Typography> {ownerTokenIds && ownerTokenIds.size != 0 ? ( <Fragment> <Pagination page={currentPageIndex} onChange={(_, value) => setCurrentPageIndex(value)} count={Math.ceil( Array.from(ownerTokenIds.entries()).length / itemPerPage )} showFirstButton showLastButton /> <ImageList cols={isDesktop ? itemPerPage / 2 : isTablet ? itemPerPage / 3 : 1} > {Array.from(ownerTokenIds.entries()) .filter((_, index) => index >= currentPageIndex * itemPerPage - itemPerPage && index < currentPageIndex * itemPerPage ? true : false ) .map(([token_id]) => ( <Card key={token_id + "-" + token_id.toString()}> <CardHeader avatar={ <Tooltip title={ <Box> <Typography> {" "} {"ID : " + token_id.toString()}{" "} </Typography> <Typography> {"Description : " + nftContratTokenMetadataMap.get(token_id) ?.description} </Typography> </Box> } > <InfoOutlined /> </Tooltip> } title={nftContratTokenMetadataMap.get(token_id)?.name} /> <CardMedia sx={{ width: "auto", marginLeft: "33%" }} component="img" height="100px" image={nftContratTokenMetadataMap .get(token_id) ?.thumbnailUri?.replace( "ipfs://", "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/" )} /> <CardContent> <Box> <Typography variant="body2"> {offersTokenIDMap.get(token_id) ? "Traded : " + 1 + " (price : " + offersTokenIDMap .get(token_id) ?.price.dividedBy(1000000) + " Tz)" : ""} </Typography> </Box> </CardContent> <CardActions> {!userAddress ? ( <Box marginLeft="5vw"> <ConnectButton Tezos={Tezos} nftContratTokenMetadataMap={ nftContratTokenMetadataMap } setUserAddress={setUserAddress} setUserBalance={setUserBalance} wallet={wallet} /> </Box> ) : ( <form style={{ width: "100%" }} onSubmit={(values) => { setSelectedTokenId(Number(token_id)); formik.handleSubmit(values); }} > <span> <TextField type="number" name="price" label="price" placeholder="Enter a price" variant="filled" value={formik.values.price} onChange={formik.handleChange} error={ formik.touched.price && Boolean(formik.errors.price) } helperText={ formik.touched.price && formik.errors.price } InputProps={{ endAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position="end"> <Button type="submit" aria-label="add to favorites" > <SellIcon /> Sell </Button> </InputAdornment> ), }} /> </span> </form> )} </CardActions> </Card> ))}{" "} </ImageList> </Fragment> ) : ( <Typography sx={{ py: "2em" }} variant="h4"> Sorry, you don't own any bottles, buy or mint some first </Typography> )} </Paper> ); }
Explanation :
- the template displays all owned NFTs. Only NFTs belonging to the logged user are selected
- for each NFT, there is a form to make an offer at a price
- if you do an offer, it calls the
function and the smart contract entrypointnftContrat?.methods.sell(BigNumber(token_id) as nat,BigNumber(price * 1000000) as nat).send()
. Multiply the XTZ price by 10^6 because the smart contract manipulates mutez.
Let's play : Sell
- Connect with your wallet and choose alice account (or one of the administrators you set on the smart contract earlier). You are redirected to the Administration /mint page as there is no NFT minted yet
- Enter these values on the form for example :
: Saint Emilion - Franc la Rosesymbol
: SEMILdescription
: Grand cru 2007
- Click on Upload an image and select a bottle picture on your computer
- Click on the Mint button
Your picture is pushed to IPFS and displayed, then your wallet ask you to sign the mint operation.
Now, go to the Trading menu and the Sell bottles submenu.
Click on the submenu entry
You are the owner of this bottle so you can create an offer to sell it.
- Enter a price offer
- Click on SELL button
- Wait a bit for the confirmation, then after auto-refresh you have an offer for this NFT
Wine Catalogue page
Edit the Wine Catalogue page on ./src/WineCataloguePage.tsx
Add the following code inside the file
import { InfoOutlined } from "@mui/icons-material"; import ShoppingCartIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ShoppingCart"; import { Box, Button, Card, CardActions, CardContent, CardHeader, CardMedia, ImageList, Pagination, Tooltip, useMediaQuery, } from "@mui/material"; import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"; import { useFormik } from "formik"; import { useSnackbar } from "notistack"; import React, { Fragment, useState } from "react"; import * as yup from "yup"; import { UserContext, UserContextType } from "./App"; import ConnectButton from "./ConnectWallet"; import { TransactionInvalidBeaconError } from "./TransactionInvalidBeaconError"; import { address, nat } from "./type-aliases"; const itemPerPage: number = 6; type OfferEntry = [nat, Offer]; type Offer = { owner: address; price: nat; }; const validationSchema = yup.object({}); export default function WineCataloguePage() { const { Tezos, nftContratTokenMetadataMap, setUserAddress, setUserBalance, wallet, userAddress, nftContrat, refreshUserContextOnPageReload, storage, } = React.useContext(UserContext) as UserContextType; const [selectedOfferEntry, setSelectedOfferEntry] = React.useState<OfferEntry | null>(null); const formik = useFormik({ initialValues: { quantity: 1, }, validationSchema: validationSchema, onSubmit: (values) => { console.log("onSubmit: (values)", values, selectedOfferEntry); buy(selectedOfferEntry!); }, }); const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar(); const [currentPageIndex, setCurrentPageIndex] = useState<number>(1); const buy = async (selectedOfferEntry: OfferEntry) => { try { const op = await nftContrat?.methods .buy( BigNumber(selectedOfferEntry[0]) as nat, selectedOfferEntry[1].owner ) .send({ amount: selectedOfferEntry[1].price.toNumber(), mutez: true, }); await op?.confirmation(2); enqueueSnackbar( "Bought " + 1 + " unit of Wine collection (token_id:" + selectedOfferEntry[0] + ")", { variant: "success", } ); refreshUserContextOnPageReload(); //force all app to refresh the context } catch (error) { console.table(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`); let tibe: TransactionInvalidBeaconError = new TransactionInvalidBeaconError(error); enqueueSnackbar(tibe.data_message, { variant: "error", autoHideDuration: 10000, }); } }; const isDesktop = useMediaQuery("(min-width:1100px)"); const isTablet = useMediaQuery("(min-width:600px)"); return ( <Paper> <Typography style={{ paddingBottom: "10px" }} variant="h5"> Wine catalogue </Typography> {storage?.offers && storage?.offers.size != 0 ? ( <Fragment> <Pagination page={currentPageIndex} onChange={(_, value) => setCurrentPageIndex(value)} count={Math.ceil( Array.from(storage?.offers.entries()).length / itemPerPage )} showFirstButton showLastButton /> <ImageList cols={isDesktop ? itemPerPage / 2 : isTablet ? itemPerPage / 3 : 1} > {Array.from(storage?.offers.entries()) .filter((_, index) => index >= currentPageIndex * itemPerPage - itemPerPage && index < currentPageIndex * itemPerPage ? true : false ) .map(([token_id, offer]) => ( <Card key={offer.owner + "-" + token_id.toString()}> <CardHeader avatar={ <Tooltip title={ <Box> <Typography> {" "} {"ID : " + token_id.toString()}{" "} </Typography> <Typography> {"Description : " + nftContratTokenMetadataMap.get( token_id.toString() )?.description} </Typography> <Typography> {"Seller : " + offer.owner}{" "} </Typography> </Box> } > <InfoOutlined /> </Tooltip> } title={ nftContratTokenMetadataMap.get(token_id.toString())?.name } /> <CardMedia sx={{ width: "auto", marginLeft: "33%" }} component="img" height="100px" image={nftContratTokenMetadataMap .get(token_id.toString()) ?.thumbnailUri?.replace( "ipfs://", "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/" )} /> <CardContent> <Box> <Typography variant="body2"> {" "} {"Price : " + offer.price.dividedBy(1000000) + " XTZ"} </Typography> </Box> </CardContent> <CardActions> {!userAddress ? ( <Box marginLeft="5vw"> <ConnectButton Tezos={Tezos} nftContratTokenMetadataMap={ nftContratTokenMetadataMap } setUserAddress={setUserAddress} setUserBalance={setUserBalance} wallet={wallet} /> </Box> ) : ( <form style={{ width: "100%" }} onSubmit={(values) => { setSelectedOfferEntry([token_id, offer]); formik.handleSubmit(values); }} > <Button type="submit" aria-label="add to favorites"> <ShoppingCartIcon /> BUY </Button> </form> )} </CardActions> </Card> ))} </ImageList> </Fragment> ) : ( <Typography sx={{ py: "2em" }} variant="h4"> Sorry, there is not NFT to buy yet, you need to mint or sell bottles first </Typography> )} </Paper> ); }
Buy some wine!
Now you can see on Trading menu the Wine catalogue submenu, click on it.
As you are connected with the default administrator you can see your own unique offer on the market
- Disconnect from your user and connect with another account that has enough tez to buy the bottle
- The buyer can see that Alice is selling a bottle
- Buy the bottle by clicking on the BUY button
- Once confirmed, the offer is removed from the market
- Click on Sell bottle sub menu
- You are now the owner of this bottle, you can resell it at your own price, etc ...
You created an NFT collection marketplace from the Ligo library, now you can buy and sell NFTs at your own price. This concludes the NFT training!
In the next lesson, you will see another kind of NFT called single asset. Instead of creating X token types, you will be allowed to create only 1 tokenid 0, on the other side, you can mint a quantity _n of this token.
To continue, let's go to Part 3.